Last Day
Location and main physical features.
Most of the Amazon is located on the north region of Brazil, on the state of Amazonas, among other states (Acre, Roraima, Rondônia, Mato Grosso, Pará and Amapá) and countries (Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Guyana, Bolivia and Brasil).. The main cities are Manaus, Belem do Pará and Iquitos in Peru. The main rivers are the Rio Solimões, Rio Negro, Rio Amazonas and Rio Xingu. By the way, rio means river. The tributaries are the Maranon, Japura, Rio Negro, Ucavali, Purus, Madeira, Xingu and Tocantins. The Forest produces 20 percent of the world's oxygen.
Climate and vegetation.
The climate is equatorial humid, it is very hot and very humid.
The vegetations are: tropical rainforest and savanna.
The people have adapted to the amazon because they hunt animals and fish for food, they find a clean river or rain water to drink from, they get water to use in their houses from the river or a stream, they use the trees for shade and to get fruits, etc.
What we did on the last day.
We woke up early to get the suitcases ready to go back to Brasilia. We had breakfast and got in a boat to go to the bus. Before lunch we went to the Manaus Opera House. Then we ate lunch at a place called ‘’Rancho Buffalo’’. At 3 o'clock we went to the airplane and got in Brasília at 7 o'clock.
Manus Opera house from outside |
Manaus Opera house from inside |
The place where we ate lunch |
Good bye Manaus!!! |